“Now mister, the day my number comes in…”

Aspiring writers will often obsess over honing their style and making a true work of art. Some tend to overlook practical matters; they’re the folks who are most likely to need, but are just as likely to ignore, Steven Hart’s round-up of “nitty-gritty stuff” about the writing business. John Scalzi’s post is especially useful: “Unasked-For Advice to New Writers About Money.”

Scalzi’s best advice (after “don’t be a heavy metal bassist”) is this: “Writing is a business. Act like it.” One of his commenters stresses the importance of saving receipts, a small inconvenience I strongly endorse. (Driving to your first author appearance? $3.01. The silent scream of your psyche when the C-SPAN cameras start rolling? Priceless.)

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