“Und das zehnte Wunder zieht an dir vorbei…”

If ignorance is the sinus infection of the mind, then spiffy links are surely antibiotics. Temporarily deprived of my own voice by just such a bug, I’m happy to point you to people with neat things to say.

Remember when Fabio got hit in the nose by a goose? In this event, says Hats & Rabbits, “lies all of the profundity of the questions of fate and Creation.”

“When the Poles throw a party–they don’t settle for half-measures,” says Cynthia Haven, who’s celebrating the Czesław Miłosz centenary in Krakow.

Do you have “the one-body problem”? The “100 Reasons NOT to Go to Graduate School” blog is up to #58.

“First, who would have thought to compare Williams and Faulkner?” A Momentary Taste of Being re-thinks William Carlos Williams.

“The literature of the Holocaust is so vast that newcomers to the subject are disheartened from beginning,” says D.G. Myers, who offers an annotated list.

Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, the Conan Movie Blog analyzes the trailer for the forthcoming CGI-fest.

“But above all, One Who Walked Alone is brave.” The Silver Key reviews Novalyne Price’s memoir about Robert E. Howard.

“You can’t imagine how thrilling it is for mid-list authors to discover that our out-of-print books, something that we believe had no monetary value, are suddenly worth tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars,” says Hollywood writer Lee Goldberg, who nonetheless qualifies the e-book gold rush.

“English has become the universal language if you spend your life in airports and international hotels. It’s not the lingua franca of humanity. It’s a fairy tale we tell ourselves.” The president of the MLA calls for bilingual high-school grads.

“Or you could use some Elvish words as a signal to your friend that the guy hitting on you at the bar is creeping you out.” As a Linguist ponders constructed languages.

“‘That original color–brown, tan, beige, whatever you want to call it–must have been designed by an alien,’ he said.” Yes, the Commodore 64 is back.

“I happen to be a kind of word whore. I will read anything from Racine to a nurse romance, if it’s a good nurse romance. Many people just aren’t like that.” Jake Seliger reads the Paris Review interview with editor Robert Gottlieb.

“Nothing good can happen for these people who, we know, have decades of bleakness ahead.” Bibliographing reads Underground, Antanas Sileika’s novel about Baltic partisans after World War II.

“We got the grant!” Anglo-Saxonist Michael Drout gets funding for lexomics, and explains what lexomics is.

Ephemeral New York finds stonemason grotesques in Clinton Hill “reminding passers-by that constructing gorgeous architecture takes skilled hands.”

“There was an interest in everything Nordic because Emperor Wilhelm spent most of his summer holidays in Norway.” And that, says Gabriele at the Lost Fort, is why there’s a modern stave church in Germany.

“… some people have complained that although when you check in at Lufthansa online ‘you can choose between Herr/Frau, Dr, Prof, Prof Dr, you cannot choose Prof Dr Dr.'” University Diaries notes another German politician accused of plagiarism.

“Some lawyer in Boston sent me a letter—this man, this adult, had gone to the trouble to write in great big letters: stop writing about geology.” John Hawks likes John McPhee’s thoughts on writing about science.

“Whether deserved or not, R. S. Thomas has a reputation for not being the life of the party.” First Known When Lost reads Thomas’s poem “Abersoch.”

“One side will have to go.” On YouTube, Tom O’Bedlam recites “Aubade” by Philip Larkin.

One thought on ““Und das zehnte Wunder zieht an dir vorbei…”

  1. Jeff — Don’t know if you saw my reply on my site — Blogger did drop your comment, as well as a long one I left in reply. Sorry about that. I thought what you presented was extremely interesting.


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